The following resource can be used to build and run slot filling systems more efficiently: The provided offsets of coreference chains extracted from the TAC source corpus [1] can be integrated in a slot filling system directly. There is no need to run expensive coreference resolution systems anymore.
If you use KBPchains in your research work, please cite the following papers:
@article{adelSF2019, author = {Heike Adel and Hinrich Sch\"{u}tze}, title = {Type-aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Slot Filling}, journal = {accepted to appear in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)}, year = {2019} }
@article{kbpchains2017, author = {Adel, Heike and Sch\"utze, Hinrich}, title = {Impact of Coreference Resolution on Slot Filling}, journal={arXiv abs:1710.09753}, year={2017} }
[1] TAC source corpus: TAC website, distributed by LDC (LDC2014E13)
[2] Heeyoung Lee, Yves Peirsman, Angel Chang, Nathanael Chambers, Mihai Surdeanu and Dan Jurafsky: "Stanford's multi-pass sieve coreference resolution system at the CoNLL-2011 shared task", 15th conference on CoNLL: Shared Task, pages 28-34, 2011.
The following resources can be used to create and evaluate coreference based embeddings.
Coreference chains of English Gigaword data [1]: coreference chains
The chains have been automatically extracted using the Stanford CoreNLP tool [2].
List of words with antonyms: antonyms
This resource is a collection of 6225 English word-antonym pairs from the online dictionary Merriam Webster (
Official train, development and test set for antonym detection: trainDevTestSet
This resource includes positive and negative examples for word-antonym-pairs (denoted by the flags 1 and -1, respectively). It is the same data and split as used in the EMNLP paper mentioned below.
If you use some of these resources in your research work, please cite the following paper:
@InProceedings{adel2014, author = {Adel, Heike and Sch\"utze, Hinrich}, title = {Using Mined Coreference Chains as a Resource for a Semantic Task}, booktitle={Proceedings of EMNLP}, year={2014} }
[1] LDC2012T21, Agence France Presse 2010
[2] Heeyoung Lee, Yves Peirsman, Angel Chang, Nathanael Chambers, Mihai Surdeanu and Dan Jurafsky: "Stanford's multi-pass sieve coreference resolution system at the CoNLL-2011 shared task", 15th conference on CoNLL: Shared Task, pages 28-34, 2011.
Contact: Heike Adel (website)